As a member of Yarn Bombing Los Angeles since 2014 I have yarn bombed a tree in Manhattan Beach, columns in Grand Central Market, a planter in ChinaTown and reconstructed a sweater, In 2017 I yarn bombed part of the Autry Museum. In 2018, I yarn bombed another tree this time at LMU in Playa del Rey. And in March 2020 I created 5 little birds added to Forest for the Trees, an exhibition at LAX. As with all of my yarn bombs (with the exception of the show in a gallery and at the airport) it will be outside for the world to enjoy. .

Forest for the Trees is a Yarn Bombing Los Angeles exhibit at the
It was installed in March 2019 and will be up for 6 months. I contributed 5 little birds to it. Spot them in the pictures! Update 2020: All 5 Little birds are now a permanent part of the ever moving and growing Forest for the Trees exhibit! Soar high my little birds!
About the exhibit from the YBLA website:
Old-growth forests exhibit distinctive ecological features and are often home to rare, threatened, and endangered species of plants and animals, making them ecologically signicant. Unfortunately, many of our old-growth forest stands are threatened by habitat destruction at the invasive hands of man. This fiber-based installation hopes to address the wonders and perils of the forest by creating an environment that is at once unique and fantastic, dangerous and bizarre, and by acknowledging that one day, the built environment may be all that’s left.
Artists used standard, recycled, and unusual materials to create trees, ground cover, animals, water, rain, and much more.
Participating artists include:Edith Abeyta, Amy Bauer, Luisa Bottari, Leslie Brown, Alexandra Busby, Yolanda Diaz, Katelyn Dorroh, Beth Elliott, Jacque Lene Engel, Carmela Gomes, Margaret Hateld, Heather Hoggan, Amy Caterina Hill, Kristen Johannsen, Lisa Jong, Julie Kornblum, Arzu Arda Kosar, Justine Leong, Charlotte Marshall, Tyler Mitzner, Theresa Knopf Morgan, Lauri Mraz, Diane Olson-Baskin, Racquel “Rocky” Ormsby, David Orozco, Olga O’Shea, Adrianna Rianna, Judy Richards, Connie Rohman, Joan Sauve, Erin Shea, Ann Storc, Kacy Treadway, Jane Wang, Jessica Wards, Tracy Williams, Darlyn Susan Yee, and Carol Zou. Threadwinners: Alyssa Arney and Liz Flynn. High Desert Yarn Stormers: Diane Bush, Jeanette Johannes, Linda Leonard, Hui-Mei Ellis, Linda Cahoon, Irene Cochran, Linda Greco, Laura Henley, Rita Poon, Maria Zapata, Terri Lonski, Connie Grifn, Kazuko Tajima.
This exhibition is presented by Los Angeles World Airports and the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs.